Explore our quirky, handmade earrings featuring beloved characters from Miffy, Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, Moomins, Frida Kahlo, and Gromit. Each piece is officially licensed and crafted in the UK, from delicate studs to statement hoops. Take a closer look!
Explore our quirky, handmade earrings featuring beloved characters from Miffy, Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, Moomins, Frida Kahlo, and Gromit. Each piece is officially licensed and crafted in the UK, from delicate studs to statement hoops. Take a closer look!
Product type
Miffy Mini Head Hoop Earrings (18ct Gold Vermeil)
Regular price
Miffy Mini Head Hoop Earrings (Sterling Silver)
Regular price
Miffy Leaping Rabbit Hoop Earrings (Sterling Silver)
Regular price
Miffy Leaping Rabbit Hoop Earrings (18ct Gold Vermeil)
Regular price